Equipment Review

Equipment Selection:

Every area of your room is designed with your goal in mind!

Cardio Equipment

- Treadmill types

- Cycling equipment

- Rowers

- Ellipticals

Strength Equipment

- Free weights

- Dumbbells

- Strength Bands

- Multisystem machines

Recovery Equipment

- Rollers

- Percussion Devices

- Other Devices


- Whether for functionality or aesthetics, we will discuss the best flooring options for your area.


- Depending on your area and desires, we will help identify the best lighting for your space.


- Motivational Wall Decals

- Wall Mounts to store equipment

- Mirrors

Quality Equipment

If you watch any infomercial you can be convinced to purchase all types of equipment.  Columbus Home Gym Design is here to help you get through the weeds of all the equipment possibilities out in the world today.

With a variety of equipment to achieve your personal goals, knowing which equipment is needed and what is a fad will get you to your goals faster.

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